Saturday, July 11, 2009

The War Is On: Black Men Vs. Black Women

One of the great things about film is that it prompts discussion, and the issues raised in Diary Of A Tired Black Man have been plaguing the black community far too long. It's the Angry Black Woman Vs. the Tired Black Man. Before I do a post about the movie, I want people to watch this clip below and comment on what they think. Chime in: Whose right ? Whose wrong? Whose side do you choose? Is there a solution in sight?


  1. wow...very true, black women have become so bossy and pushy, they fail to give a man space and peace of mind, respect...if u treat a man lyk a boy, he's going to act like one. If you show him he's a man that you respect and can rely on, that you value, that you believe is responsible...he's going to uphold that trust you have in him.

  2. Good. How do I order this DVD to show to my mate and to keep and share?????

  3. Respect is earned...
