Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The War Is On: The Discussion Continues

And the discussion/war continues. I published the previous post on my facebook page and within the hour, members from both sides were going at it. The argument revolved over whether the woman had a right to raise inquiry over who her child was going to be around. My two cents: the woman clearly had an problem with the girlfriend's race. But that's not the issue at hand. The issue is why black men and black women can't see eye-to-eye. Are them men to domineering and frivolous, or is it that black women can't overcame their own drawbacks? Anyway here's how the discussion went down:

She was wrong for makin a scene, but that's somethinG that should be discussed before hand. You can't just be bringing people in a child's life like that. Especially if you don't know how long that person is gonna be there, ya know?

Oh please. Now women are concerned about who is brought around a child??? Then why do we see so MANY male ex-cons escorting these same women to FOC??????

1st and foremost, I will never let just anyone around my child. 2nd, other women with good sense will agree with me. 3rd, if you're gonna judge every black woman based on some ignorant views of random ghetto chickenhead females, then by all means, go find a white girl. Promise, we wont be mad! By the look of the scene, neither of them are ghetto, so I would expect her to CARE who is having any kind of interaction with her child.

Ghetto is a state of mind, not a condition of ass. You can be fine as wine and still be ghetto. Weave won't make ghetto go away. Notice & LISTEN to what the man in the movie was saying. He was talking about an "angry black woman". From your reply, he must have struck a nerve.

Notice and listen to what i'm saying. If a female brought some dude around your child who you didn't know, and didn't inform you about it, you would be angry. All I'm saying is, a discussion should have been had prior to picking up one's daughter from the mother's house. You struck a nerve with me with your ignorant statement. You're talking about what he said and completely ignoring what he did. Her reaction was out of line, but his action was as well..."Oh please. Now women are concerned about who is brought around a child???" Don't even try that. Clearly YOU'VE been on the negative end of that situation...All i can say is...personal to Dr. Phil.

As i said before, struck a nerve.

Yep, you are so right...

1 comment:

  1. Black women is so F-UP in the head that you have to be on CRACK AND METH to deal with the ups and downs of a insane black woman today
